sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ansible/ansible - DEV

Repository - なんなんなん行く? Ubuntu Japanese Teamのリポジトリは、ubuntu 12.10の日本語化をより進めることができます。 ただし、最後に、「ubuntu-defaults-ja」パッケージをインストールすると、余分なパッケージもインストールされますので、依存関係を見て、必要なパッケージだけを Attach the APT Repository on an Ubuntu or Debian System Zulu, Zulu Virtual Machine, Java Virtual Machine, OpenJDK, Zulu Documentation, Zulu Installation Guide

Attach the APT Repository on an Ubuntu or Debian System

Installing MariaDB AX / MariaDB ColumnStore from the

How to remove repositories on Ubuntu 16.04. In an effort to install various apps in Ubuntu or other Linux distribution, we often add several PPA. Most of the times these PPAs are managed by a single developer as he might have created a certain app for personal insterest or as a hobby.

Kitware APT Repository Kitware APT Repository. This is Kitware, Inc.'s third-party APT repository, which we use for hosting our own Ubuntu packages, such as CMake. We currently support Ubuntu 16.04, … How to install and use KeePass in Ubuntu – Linux Hint ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-add-repository ppa:jtaylor / keepass. Now run the following command to update apt. ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade. After updating your machine Now KeePass repository is available . Run the following command to Install KeePass.