How to Fix Socket Error 10060 on Windows?

Open the Registry Editor by clicking the "Start" menu and then "Run." Type "Regedt32.exe" in the run dialog box, and click "Ok." You should now see the registry editor. RCP Error with 0x8007274c WSAETIMEDOUT Logging.. Apr 27, 2008 Socket error 10060 (WSAETIMEDOUT) Try pinging the host computer to see if it is responding. You can this from the Windows command prompt (Start, All Programs, Accessories, Command Prompt) by entering "ping hostname" or "ping IP address" on the command line. Message sending fails due to TLS problems

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Message sending fails due to TLS problems Apr 01, 2020 pandoc document conversion failed with error 67 - R

WSAETIMEDOUT (10060) - Connection timed out. A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or the established connection failed because the connected host has failed to respond.

WSAETIMEDOUT | Richard M. Hicks Consulting, Inc. Posts about WSAETIMEDOUT written by Richard M. Hicks. When troubleshooting DirectAccess client connectivity issues, you may encounter a scenario where clients are unable to connect using the IP-HTTPS IPv6 transition technology. Running ipconfig shows that the tunnel adapter IPHTTPSInterface media state is Media disconnected.. Running the Get-NetIpHttpsState PowerShell command shows … Error Handling - Stephen Cleary SocketErorr.TimedOut / WSAETIMEDOUT / 10060 - This happens when trying to connect to a valid address that doesn’t respond (e.g., a powered-off server or intermediate router). This may also be caused by a firewall on the remote side. How to Fix Socket Error 10060 on Windows?